Backpacking Turkey Need To Know
Dial Code:
International Access Code:
Emergency Services Number:
Time Difference:
Several nationalities need a visa to enter Turkey, including British (3 months, $20), American (3 months, $20), Australian (3 months, $60) and Canadian (3 months, $60).
New Zealander’s can enter visa-free for 90 days.
Make sure your passport has a blank page for the visa stamp.
Your passport should be valid for a minimum period of 6 months from the date of entry into Turkey and have at least 3 months validity from the date you are leaving Turkey.
For official information visit or your home government travel bureau.
Getting Around
Official Europe wide rail passes can be obtained through Rail Europe
More details are to come in this section, but you can read about general advice regarding Getting Around When You Get There
Turkey has a wide variety of hostels and you should never have any problem finding one.
The average price of a hostel is 27-55 TRY (€10-20) a night.
All hostels in Turkey will provide linen and bathroom facilities. Usually there will be cooking and internet facilities as well as common and laundry rooms.
Read more about Accommodation When You Get There and Living in Hostels
Food And Health
The standard of food safety and hygiene is generally good, but may not be up to the standards of other European countries. There are many places to eat out cheaply, if you do not wish to cook.
Water is generally not safe to drink – always buy bottled or boil.
Medical facilities are good, but make sure you have adequate travel insurance and accessible funds to cover the cost of any medical treatment and repatriation.
Always contact your GP around 8 weeks before your trip to check whether you need any vaccinations or other preventive measures. Visit here for Recommended Vaccinations and read here for more about Travelling Health In General
Weather & Time To Go
Turkey has several different climate zones, popular destinations tend to have hot, dry summers and mild to cool, wet winters. For more info see here.
Internet and wifi is widespread and accessible in most hostels. Local pay-as-you-go SIM cards for your mobile phone and international calling cards are cheaply available.
Dangers And Considerations
Travel to some areas of Turkey, particularly near the Iraq and Syria borders, is often advised against, so check with your government travel bureau.
Crime levels in Turkey are generally low, but take sensible precautions to avoid mugging, bag snatching and pick pocketing.
Protests are common, you should avoid all public gatherings and mass demonstrations, as they can sometimes turn violent.
Turkey has strict laws against the use, possession or trafficking of illegal drugs. If you are convicted of any of these offences, you can expect to receive a heavy fine or a prison sentence of 4 to 24 years.
It is illegal not to carry some form of photographic ID in Turkey.
Dangers constantly change. Always check with your foreign office (British Foreign Office webpage) or travel advice bureau for the latest information regarding your destinations safety.
Read more about Safety And Security here
Respecting Culture
Remember Turkey is a predominantly Muslim country, so beware of things that might offend and dress modestly, particularly if you’re visiting a mosque or a religious shrine; where all women are required to wear head scarves.
Blowing your nose or picking your teeth during meals, putting your feet up while sitting, showing the bottom of your feet, pointing with your finger at someone and touching someone without permission are all considered extremely rude.
Homosexuality is legal in Turkey, but there is a degree of intolerance among many sections of the population.
Avoid topics involving politics, foreign relations and negative aspects of Turkish history, such as the Armenian Genocide, Kurdish separatism and Cyprus.